
In this edition of the Ericaism, Erica Campbell explains that it’s the little foxes that destroy the vine. When big, positive things are about to happen for us, she explains, a bunch of little, negative things start to happen to distract us from getting our hands on the blessing that’s about to come down. Erica […]


In this edition of Faith Walking, Erica Campbell talks about dismissing those negative things from your life instead of claiming them. She reads from a scripture that instructs us to “call those things that be not as thought they were.” So even when we are wrestling with negative things; sickness, doubt, regret, or whatever else […]


In this edition of Joy Living, Erica Campbell points out the many ways that people get in their own way and block their blessings. Negativity, for instance, which Erica says is doubt in disguise; mediocrity, which is doing just enough, and not your best. She also talks about the dangers of holding on to your […]