Get Up! Mornings With Erica Campbell

Savannah Guthie from the “Today Show,” is always wearing a smile as she’s on air.

GRIFF was driving home and watched as a mother duck led her 11 ducklings across a busy road.

Byron Allen owner of several businesses just bought The Weather Channel.

GRIFF has been trying to find different ways to exercise and thinks he wants to give yoga a try.

Erica Campbell spoke about not fearing things in life.

Do you have something you want to do and are always putting it off?

There is a substitute in and GRIFF wants to say a prayer because he was talking about the man from AOL mail.

Erica Campbell spoke about how when you see people love it teaches you about it.

Sir The Baptist might be a hip-hop artist, but his new song “Heaven” has fans of gospel music loving it.