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Her Story: Madam CJ Walker – Grow Your Opportunities| Dr. Willie Jolley

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Wake Up & Win With Dr. Willie Jolley 2.0 Graphics

Source: Reach Media / Radio One Digital

Dr. Willie Jolley’s principle to win BIG today is “Her Story: Madam CJ Walker – Grow Your Opportunities”

This is the time of year when many people get married so I want to get some tips for my book, “Make Love, Make Money, Make It Last!: 10 Secrets to Shape a Great Marriage” that I work with my bride, D. We’ve been married going on almost 40 years and I’ve not had an argument in almost 35 years.

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, I want to share the success lessons we can learn from the life of Madam CJ Walker. She started in the cotton fields of the South and worked hard and was promoted.  

How did she get promoted to cleaning people’s clothes in a wash tub? Well, one day she made a decision that changed her life. She said she was done with that. She decided to start a business helping black women to grow their hair. Many people told us she was making a big mistake, but she refused to listen. She went on to create a multi million dollar business and become the first black woman millionaire and made a number of other women wealthy in the process.  

Madam Walker said the secret to her success was do not sit down and wait for opportunity to come to you decide to get up and make your opportunities happen for yourself so you’re not happy where you are. You can decide to change. Don’t wait. Move. Now. Move right on your dreams. This can change your life.  

Go get a free chapter from the book at and if you wanna give a great marriage gift to a newly married couple, I recommend you give them the gift that will help them stay married.

Her Story: Madam CJ Walker – Grow Your Opportunities| Dr. Willie Jolley  was originally published on