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Silence The Shame is partnering with Microsoft to launch a mental health app in recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month this May.

Do you find yourself feeling sluggish in the mornings and wired at night? Or maybe you struggle to find focus throughout the day and are low on energy by the evening. These experiences might be due to a disconnect with your natural internal clock, known as your circadian rhythm, and it may be your sign […]

May 2 is National Day of Prayer. On this day, Christians across the country gather to pray for our nation – though all religions are invited to participate. The National Day of Prayer (NDP) Task Force, led by Kathy Branzell, aims to “Lift Up The Word – Light Up the World” through this year’s observances. […]

Kirk Franklin samples simply do not miss! As a music mogul who has created and produced chart-topping hits for nearly three decades, his music remains timeless – creating a strong sense of nostalgia and worship. Attending a Christian school in the early 90’s, it was normal hearing ‘Melodies from Heaven,’ ‘Revolution,’ and everything in between […]